Sunday, March 30, 2008

8 Hour Update

OK, I got rolling again and got a lot done.

I added support for hyperlinks so that when an image is clicked on, it pops up a window taking you to the url linked with that image. This involved adding the field to the XML, adding the parsing code to create the object, and setting up the mouse click event handler.

I played with the text formatting a bit, but for some reason the TextWrapping property isn't working, so I had to cheat and use short enough text. Lame.

I've got some of the webpage formatting working as well too, so it looks pretty. I still need to do some fanciness when mousing over the images, maybe. As well as add some text explaining the thing.

I don't think I'm going to go any farther and make this more of "what they want". I really am starting to not care if it's what they want or not, it's more of a proof of concept anyways, and my application wouldn't fit a contest atmosphere anyways, it's a personal thing.

Meh. We'll see. Back to work.

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